Now, I imagine the band (and especially their record label, Best Before) won't be too happy about the leak. But do bands bring it upon themselves by sending out promo copies so early? Every album these days seems to leak - even The Raconteurs release which was basically thought to be leak-proof (no promo copies sent out, from recording to release in three weeks) but then iTunes buggered that one up for them. But even with the age of digital watermarking of promo copies, isn't it a bit ridiculous to send your album for review almost two months before it's out? Maybe it is necessary, and someone can shed the light on this process. I certainly have very little experience in marketing and musical press.
And then we have lots of internet people starting threads on messageboards saying how great the album is - do we consider these people as enthusastic, well-meaning fans or arrogant twats? Maybe a bit of both. No doubt anyone reading those threads will now try to procure the album illegally to hear what the fuss is about. Curiousity is an innate part of human nature. So is boasting.

Thankfully for Johnny Foreigner, the early reports seem to be positive. I can't imagine anything worse than having your album leaked early then universally hated. Then again, all but a couple of the album tracks are rejigged versions of previously recorded songs so if you were already a fan, you're almost bound to like it. Considering the immensely lo-fi production of the early days, that would have probably been the only concern. However, it appears that Machine (who has also produced Fall Out Boy, Lamb Of God and lots of other bands that sound nothing like JoFo) has done a sterling job. The album tracks appearing on MySpace are fantastically textured without being too crisp and overproduced.
The problem now is that I've highlighted the leak and am no better than those who do the same. But to actively leak an album? That must take some lack of moral fortitude or some misguided thinking. At least I'm the lesser evil.
Yet somewhat ironically, I have not heard the new album and while I could probably find it, I'm quite content to read how great it is and wait a little bit longer to hear it. I've been waiting for 15 months, I'm pretty sure I can last another one. Maybe they'll even bring the release date forward. To try to convince you to resist temptation, I've got radio session versions of two songs from the album (Lea Room has not popped up in demo form or otherwise till the leak) and download a zip of their 15-track demo giveaway album thingie via [Megaupload].
Johnny Foreigner - Eyes Wide Terrified (BBC Radio 1 Session) [Yourfilehost D/L]//[Sendspace mirror]
Johnny Foreigner - Lea Room (XFM Xposure Session) [Yourfilehost]//[Sendspace]
Johnny Foreigner - Lea Room (XFM Xposure Session) [Yourfilehost]//[Sendspace]
Johnny Foreigner are on a never ending tour of the UK, including festivals aplenty so if you have downloaded the album, I suggest you do the right thing and go see them asap. And then buy the album. And if you're yet to experience JoFo live, stand back and await the onslaught of awesomeness.
Just a quick couple of points - firstly, my third podcast bites the dust on May 20th so listen/download it now! Featuring Johnny Foreigner, Miracle Fortress, a brilliant Joy Division cover and other stuff, listen [here]. And secondly, I have an interview with the much talked about White Lies coming in the next post. They're already signed to a major label and playing festivals like Lollapalooza, even though they've only been going since late last year. Egad! I'm off to revise for my uni exams now, which start next week :(