Anyways, there was relative comfort in the venues to catch the following bands (ignoring Les Incompétents' below par performance):
Pressure Point, 7pm: Hot Club de Paris
"Scouse three piece Hot Club de Paris make punk sea shanties, dole-ite rants and jagged but bouncy melodies.
We say: Simply marvellous. I had great expectations but they were even better than I hoped. From the a capella harmonies to the homemade Mask Of Zorro t-shirt, HCdP were quite easily Keep Hope Inside's band of the weekend!
Hot Club de Paris - Shipwreck
Hot Club de Paris - sometimesitsbetter...
Preorder Sometimesitsbetternottostickbitsofeachother... at Puregroove
Ocean Rooms, 7.45pm: Jeremy Warmsley
Jeremy Warmsley makes electronic music with real songs...
Although the description doesn't give much away, J-Wo has written some quite fantastic pop tunes (5 Verses vid). Alas, this set was a bit too stripped down and after a lengthy wait in the rain didn't quite do enough to raise spirits.
Ocean Rooms, 8.45pm: Ladyfuzz
"[Ladyfuzz] claim to sculpt swine-flu, shine-thru, quiveringly idiosyncratic discordant tracks"
God knows what Liz Neumayr was wearing but her infectious grin and a particularly rousing Bouncy Ball do the job.
Ocean Rooms, 10.15pm: Battle
"[Battle] make their enigmatic and soulful music in London. Their debut album album is nearly with us, and promises to be ace."
After the longest soundcheck EVER, the dynamically moody Battle put in a solid performance and their debut album looks certain to be one of the highlights of 2006.
Download Battle stuff here. Tendency and Demons are highly recommended!
Ocean Rooms, 11pm: The Young Knives
"they make the finest punk-art-pop-eccentro anthems you can possibly imagine!"
An enjoyable end to the evening, with plenty of witty banter and some good songs to boot.
Some other bands we sadly missed on the night - Good Shoes, The Sunshine Underground, Misty's Big Adventure, Keith and My Latest Novel.