Pressure Point, 7pm: Sh*tdisco
"they make art-pop dance music that makes you wanna shake your booty"
Admittedly somewhat of a second choice (the hardcore Kooks fans meant there was a stupidly large queue for Bat For Lashes) but they performed their hardcorediscopop commendably. Free glowsticks too.

Audio, 8pm: Kubichek!
"Blending masterfully an underground-feeling ethic with a pop sensibility, there's tuneful pizzazz amidst fizz and the freneticism."
A passionate performance from the Newcastle lads who had to really fight against a largely half-asleep audience. Although they didn't quit win everyone over, it wasn't for lack of trying.
Kubichek! - Taxi!
Audio, 8.45pm Tapes n Tapes
"This is indie-rock in the f*cked up Pixies and Pavement mould. A good thing."
They might have been the buzz band at South By SouthWest but the Audio was hardly heaving when they came on (albeit 15 minutes early). They didn't really seem to capture many people's imagination either and I left feeling...well, not much really. The songs on their website are still 'choons' (down-with-the-kids-moment) though:
Tapes n Tapes - Insistor
Tapes n Tapes - Cowbell
Tapes n Tapes - Omaha
All in all, a good effort but room for improvement. The main problems were the size of the venues and the decision to use block stage times of around 7-11 on every day. Weather was a problem too and a move to later in the summer might be wise (the Hi:Fi festival also suffered). Let's hope next year's event fares better!
p.s Check out the DiS 'highlights package' here and if you really want to, The Sun's article too.