Bearing in mind the title of their recent single ('We Are Not Who You Think We Are'/'We're Not Who You Think We Are'), perhaps it would be spurious of me to claim they are reliving elements of Nirvana, Pixes and Mclusky? Nevertheless, the results are overwhelmingly raucous.
'We're Not Who You Think We Are' is Kunk's incendiary grunge anthem; characterised by powerful riffs, Kim Deal-esque backing vocals and the despairing cry that they're not who we think they are. Mosh-tastic.
'We're Not Who You Think We Are' was released in May and is available to download at all the usual outlets. Check Kunk's [MySpace] for links. Or you can buy a cd of the single at one of their upcoming gigs, listed on their MySpace.
p.s there is a flashy blog called [Kunk], presumably unaffiliated with the band (as they appear to be based in Budapest) but nonetheless worth a look!